Mission Statement

The Legal Department serves as the legal counsel for the municipality, providing expert guidance and representation to ensure the integrity and legality of municipal actions. Our mission is to uphold the rule of law, protect the interests of the community, and promote transparency and accountability in governance.

Contact Informations

Services and Programs

Legal Counsel

  • Advisory Services: Providing legal advice and guidance to elected officials, department heads, and staff on matters pertaining to municipal law, regulations, and policies.
  • Contract Review: Reviewing contracts, agreements, and legal documents to ensure compliance with applicable laws and protect the interests of the municipality.
  • Litigation Management: Representing the municipality in legal proceedings, including lawsuits, administrative hearings, and appeals.

Legislative Support

  • Drafting Legislation: Drafting ordinances, resolutions, and other legislative documents for consideration by the governing body.
  • Legal Research: Conducting legal research and analysis on issues impacting municipal governance and policy development.
  • Meeting Support: Providing legal support and guidance during meetings of the governing body, committees, and commissions.

Risk Management

  • Risk Assessment: Identifying and assessing legal risks and liabilities facing the municipality and recommending strategies to mitigate and manage risks.
  • Insurance Coordination: Working with insurance providers to secure appropriate coverage for municipal operations and assets.
  • Claims Management: Managing claims and legal disputes involving the municipality, including liability claims and property damage claims.

Frequently asked questions

What services does the municipality provide?

Where can I find information about local events and community programs?

How do I apply for a building permit or business license?

How can I request a street repair or maintenance service?